A Transgendered's First Public Appearance
If you are a TG and have never ventured out in public before because
of fear, shame or guilt and want the thrill of your lifetime, keep reading.
Go on a "business trip" to another town near you and get a room. You would
have already checked where a TG friendly place is in town by going
to the resources section of www.tg2tg.org (a Transgendered support website).
Dress up conservatively and take a cab to the place. Have fun, always practice
safe sex if you want to get into this situation, and mostly and most importantly,
just enjoy being yourself.
Here are a few tips for Transgender Girls doing their first public thing
Try to avoid bars, try TG friendly coffee houses, book
stores, and restaurants.
Talk with a softer voice and try making your voice higher than usual
Don’t dress up like a slut - save that one for your Significant
Other (SO)
Don’t get sloshed and lose your judgment
Do mix with the crowd and talk with everyone - male and female
Don’t comment on your sexual preference to anyone until you want
them to know, if they "make" you, be honest with them, "Yep, I’m Transgendered,
it’s really no big deal really, my sexual preference has nothing to do
with my gender Dysphoria and I'm just being myself".
Do Enjoy being yourself